Getting Started

Getting Started

So here we are. You know you want to make some changes to the way you do things. Maybe you are fed up with the amount of plastic you are dumping in your recycling bin each week. Maybe you got bored one evening and actually googled the ingredients in your oven cleaner. Maybe you are like me and can't stand smelling handsoap three hours after you last washed your hands. Or maybe you just hate shopping.

Clara Green is here to help. If you've had a look at our site you know we supply locally made cleaning products that are designed to be best for you and best for the environment. We do this by selling products that are:

  • certified as a Good Environmental Choice by GECA, Australia's only independent, non-profit environmental standards organisation,
  • available in bulk,
  • highly concentrated, and
  • made right here in Sydney's Inner West.


We deliver to your door

We smile when we do it

We collect your empties and wash them for re-use

We supply re-usable spray bottle labels that last for ever and can be washed in your dishwasher or by hand in your sink

We supply spray bottles that last a really long time

Our aim is to make it easy for you use premium, safe, environmentally responsible cleaning products. No tricky decision making. No double guessing. And best of all, no standing around in the cleaning product aisle, reading labels and trying to work out which product really is the greenest.

Photo by Alex Smith from Pexels

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