Clara Green's Guff

Getting Started

Getting Started

So here we are. You know you want to make some changes to the way you do things. Maybe you are fed up with the amount of plastic you are...

Getting Started

So here we are. You know you want to make some changes to the way you do things. Maybe you are fed up with the amount of plastic you are...

Hello Eco Max brushes

Hello Eco Max brushes

Check this out! We now carry the Eco Max range of Fair Trade, plastic-free brushes. Not  all of them at the moment, but if you like them, we can add...

Hello Eco Max brushes

Check this out! We now carry the Eco Max range of Fair Trade, plastic-free brushes. Not  all of them at the moment, but if you like them, we can add...

Why do you want to buy Healtheclean products?

Why do you want to buy Healtheclean products?

Six good things about Healtheclean cleaning products.

Why do you want to buy Healtheclean products?

Six good things about Healtheclean cleaning products.

What we are trying to do here

What we are trying to do here

Believe me, we know how hard it can be to find credible information and products needed to make environmentally ethical choices that will work in your life. We found some, and our...

What we are trying to do here

Believe me, we know how hard it can be to find credible information and products needed to make environmentally ethical choices that will work in your life. We found some, and our...

What's not in a Clara Green cleaning product

What's not in a Clara Green cleaning product

To have any credibility in this space, I have to include a giant list of all the things that are not in my products. This list is going to sound...

What's not in a Clara Green cleaning product

To have any credibility in this space, I have to include a giant list of all the things that are not in my products. This list is going to sound...